Thursday, July 23, 2015

My third UFO encounter

My third UFO encounter.

I was around 23 at the time, and living in the town of Chelyan, WV. I was driving a Ford Fiesta at the time. I remember the weather that day was, cool and overcast. 
It was around the Fall of the year, September I beleive. 

I had drove to Charleston that day. On the trip back, I was looking at the sky, every chance I had. At this point in my life, I had developed a habit of sky watching. I was heading south on Route 61, it was around 1:30 pm. I remember that on the drive back from Charleston, the wind was so strong, that it was causing my car to swerve, and I was constantly correcting my course with the wheel.

I remember that I was getting close to the Du-Pont chemical plant, it would be coming up, on my right, in about 1/2 a mile. I also noticed that there was an object ahead of me, and around 35 feet above the highway. This object appeared to me at first glance to be a helium filled balloon, that a child had let go of, and it had drifted away. At that time, you could buy a helium filled balloon, at any store. 

I remember being shocked, as soon as I realized, that the object I was thinking was a helium filled balloon, was not being tossed around by the wind, that was so strong that my car was drifting around, from the force of the winds that day.
I also remember that I became even further concerned, once I realized that the object was spinning, on its Horizontal axis. After seeing the entire object, I could tell the entire outside of it was a mirror like finish.

The closer I got to it, the more details I could see. I could see the object so close, and in such great detail, that I can tell you, that it appeared to be solid. I could find no seems, or rivets, bolts, etc. the object was more oblong, almost football shaped, and looked like Mercury. It made no noise, and was around 3-1/2 feet in diameter.

I drove directly under this object, and looked at it from directly below it. As soon as I knew, I had driven passed it, I put on my right blinker, and pulled over. I jumped out of the car, and the object was gone. I drove home, and remember it being a week or so, before I stopped obsessing over what I had seen. I keep thinking it had to be a drone, since it was so small. But such advanced technology, could make almost anything possible.

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