Saturday, December 8, 2018

We are the hybrids. An alternative origin theory.

We are the hybrids. An alternative origin theory.

I would like to preface with the following, "It is the mark of an intelligent mind, to be able to entertain a thought, without accepting it". I've learned to entertain all options available, and only put any trust, in the ideas that are backed up by personal experience. I began to form this theory after having an instant realization. I will attempt to explain my conclusion, and how I came to form this theory, in as much detail as I can. 

After having an extraordinary experience at an early age, and seeing more UFO's than anyone I've ever read, or heard about, I began to research Aliens, and UFO's, and Bigfoot. After 20 years of research, and life experience, I concluded that the Grey alien phenomenon, was real, but was more likely spiritual, and part of the deception of all of us. I also concluded that the Bigfoot phenomenon was real also, and had a spiritual connection, as well as a UFO connection. From my own experiences, I know the Bigfoot Phenomenon has a connection to the UFO phenomenon. Im not sure what the Truth about UFO's, Grey aliens, and Bigfoot is, but I know they are real phenomenon. 

Over my lifetime I had played a logic game in my head, and concluded that our species was not designed to be in this environment. Every other animal on the Earth, is obviously made for its environment. We have to make shelter, wear clothes, and shoes, make heat, use air conditioning, drive vehicles, etc. We are not made to survive without using tools, and technology. We have hair that serves us little help in staying warm, feet that are soft, and weak physical strength in comparison with the rest of nature. If you look at the characteristics of the Grey aliens, both physically, and mentally. And then look at the characteristics of Bigfoot's known mental, and physical abilities. Our species would be the logical result, of a 50/50 Hybrid, between the Grey's, and Bigfoot. 

It became obvious to me that, what we call our species, the human race, could actually be a hybrid species. The big SECRET of all ages, could be that we are hybrids, and Bigfoot is the original creation, and actually Human. The Grey's, being the fallen angels in the Bible. So from a Biblical perspective, it looks like this: GOD created Adam, and Eve, and they were what we call Bigfoot now. The Grey's were kicked out of heaven, and trapped here on Earth. The Grey's created a new species, by combing their genetics, with Bigfoot's, creating us. It would explain why we as a species, feel lost, abandoned, and have no idea what our history and origins are. The common theme to being alive, in our species, is the question "How, and Why am I here?". 

I myself, believer in a creator, and Christ, and Archons, and evil. Its only a theory, but it fits the evidence nicely, and explains away, lots of apparent discrepancies, in what we have been told. Looking at what is going on in the world, and viewing from the theory, that we are all Hybrids, and are stuck in the middle between the two warring sides, the natural VS the artificial, good VS evil, light VS dark, etc, reveals a new explanation of our place in everything. On a spiritual level, the Bigfoots would have a soul, and the Grays would not. We being Hybrids, have a soul, we inherited that from our Bigfoot origins, and we also have logic, that we inherited from our Gray (Fallen Angel) origins. 

King James Bible:
And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness: and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth.

Jordan Maxwell, brought to my attention, the fact that, you can take the context of the above KJV Bible statement, another way. The new statement would resemble, "Let us alter the existing man, and make him into our likeness". If this claim Mr Maxwell makes is true, then it lines up with my Hybrid theory. There is tons of evidence in the medical community, that points towards the human race, being genetically altered. Modern man, appears to have just appeared in history, not evolved. Modern education teaches that the human race, basically just appeared suddenly,  and in bodies that were poorly adapted to live in the environment they appeared in. So many things do not make sense, until you look at it from a new perspective. After I thought of this theory, I found myself leaning toward it being a valid explanation. 

We may actually not be the Human Race, but the Hybrid Race.

Friday, December 7, 2018

When I saw the phoenix lights U.F.O. in West Virginia.

When I saw the phoenix lights U.F.O. in West Virginia.

On the evening of Oct-28-2008 at approximately 8:10 PM, I was traveling back to St. Albans WV, from Beckly WV, after looking for locations for new cell sites in the area, I was employed as an Engineer for Ntelos at that time. I took Route 61 to get to Charleston, since it avoided a toll gate, and let me drive the route I did when growing up. I had passed thru several small towns that were separated by long stretches of road literally on a mountain side, with no houses or people at all. I was almost to the very small community named Crown Hill in WV, at roughly GPS coordinates  38*12'08.00" N - 81*24'14.83"W for map reference. I was traveling West toward Charleston. I remember my phone buzzing and beeping and letting me know it was fully charged, and I remember unplugging it, and leaving it in the passengers seat. I was keeping an eye out at the sky, for any strange activity, since it was clear, and just after dusk, and the sky was full of stars. I was sky watching as I drove, because traffic was practically none existent, and the lack of bright city lightning made conditions great for sky watching. What happened that night was the largest thing I've ever seen the sky, and can only be talked about by referring to the Phoenix lights incident, in Arizona.

I remember looking at a very precise point in the sky, and then feeling a bit of panic, and shock, when I mentally realized that I had been fixed on one point, and I had stared at that point for way too long, I had no reason to look there, but I was overcome with the need to keep looking at that same spot in the sky. Suddenly an orb of light appeared, exactly at the spot I had been fixed on, and it grew larger, until it stopped. I thought I was gonna see a very large orb do acrobatics and stunts, and then another one appeared, and grew in size, just to the right of where the last orb had appeared. There were now two intense white orb's of light, side by side. Another orb appeared to the left of the first orb, and grew to match the same size. Lights continued in a pattern of left right appearances, until I counted about 12, in a line across the sky, about 350 feet above the mountain, and about 1 1/2 miles away from me when I saw all of the orbs that appeared.

I thought at first, that I was going to see a dozen individual U.F.O's, that would probably do unbelievable acrobatics, and other amazing feats, based on my previous encounters. I was surprised when I began to realize, that the dozen orb's were moving as if one object. As I continued to observe the orbs' I slowed down to about 12 miles per hour. I rolled down the window, and stuck my head outside, and listened, but heard nothing, other than what I expected to hear. I thought at first that I was looking at about 12 separate UFO's, but then they all moved in sync, and I realized I was looking at orbs of light that were outlining a black triangular craft, that was as large as small town in the sky. The best way I can describe what I saw, is to say, there were about 16 orbs of light that were huge themselves, surrounding a triangular object that was unnaturally black.

Because of my work, being a wireless Engineer, and doing site surveys for years, I had become a Master at judging distance and height at a distance, and I estimated the craft to be about 1.2 miles away from me and 350 feet above the mountain, when I first seen in, and it took up 99% of my windshield at the time, it was huge. My brain was in overload, I was looking at something I had never seen and took time to get adjusted to, and that was this... the black triangle craft was so black, it absorbed light, like a black hole, it was the absence of light. There was no reflection on the black triangular craft, from the 16 orbs of light that were surrounding it. One other car drove past me, and I'm sure the passengers saw the craft too. I could tell because they were drifting over into my lane, and we got pretty close to each other, I had to steer away, as they passed. They kept going, and didn't stop.

I kept watching this huge triangular black craft, surrounded by orbs of white light, and got so close to it that I thought I was going to drive under it, but then it made a sharp left, and went a crossed the sky, parallel to my direction of travel. I kept watching it, and I ran my eye's from the tip of the craft to the back, and back to the front, and when I got back to the front of the object, instantly, a smaller triangle appeared, in front of the huge one, exactly where I was looking. It startled me so bad, I jumped in my seat, and actually screamed. It takes a lot to startle me. I spent decades meditating, and remaining calm in life and death situations. This shocked me. I could see details on the smaller triangle craft. There were blue lights in the corners, and the lights were in housings that had incredibly beautiful geometric patterns in them. At this point I watched the crafts cross the sky above me, and to my right in the sky. The small craft in front, and the huge triangle, and all the orbs of light all moved in perfect sync, as if they were all one object.

The small triangle craft looked just like the black triangles found online, with lights in the corners. The huge craft looked like the Phoenix lights UFO. My phone was on charge before this happened, and alerted me it was fully charged, and was laying in the passenger seat. When I first started seeing the orbs appearing, I grabbed the phone, and tried to take pictures, but the phone turned itself off in my hand, and wouldn't come back on, and was saying the battery was dead. After the crafts were out of my sight, the phone came back on, showing a full charge. I witnessed, invisibility, cloaking, light absorption, silent flight, synchronized flight, and more that night. The size of the huge triangular craft was frighteningly large, and ominous. This was the first time I've ever felt scared during a sighting.

This encounter reinforced to me, the fact that whatever was in control of these crafts, could read my thoughts, and knew what I was looking at, and possibly see what I what seeing. The first orb of light, appeared in the exact spot I was looking at, also the huge craft turned to avoid me going under it, after I thought about stopping, and reversing, to avoid driving under it, I was concerned about being abducted, and the smaller second craft appeared exactly where I was looking in the sky. I also could sense that something was reading my thoughts, and even seeing through my eyes. Over the years most of the UFO's I've seen have demonstrated that they knew my thoughts. Psychic mind reading, and incredible technology are the hallmarks of my sightings.

Thursday, May 3, 2018

The truth

I'm now 99.999999% sure that the movie "The Matrix" is based on truth! What we call GOD, the creator, made a virtual world called Earth, and populated it with virtual beings. Some of us are real tho, and we are asleep in what we call HEAVEN, and our entire lives are spent in this virtual reality. GOD did this, so that the real permanent world, we call HEAVEN is always safe from any negative or unworthy beings. If you can make it thru this virtual world, without loosing your mind, and becoming Evil, then when you die, you will awaken for the very first time ever, in your real body, in the real world, that we call Heaven.

Satan is a virtual program, that rebelled because he knew he was virtual, and would never ever get to exist in the real world, and hated the fact that GOD created human beings, that have the chance to exist in the real world, so Satan has been attempting to corrupt and crash the Matrix GOD created, thus killing all those real human beings connected to it. I challenge everyone to read the Bible, and listen to what Jesus said, and see if it doesn't hint to what I have said.

Thursday, March 29, 2018

The Earth is actually convex, not a ball according to new viral documentary.

                       This documentary is the result of 7 years of research by Dakila scientists.

This is a great documentary, and details a number of various test's conducted by professionals, experiments designed to test the curve of the theoretic sphere Earth. I must say that I was impressed with the American voice over version I watched. The quality of the audio, and video production, as well as the direction was top shelf. I watched the entire video and came away wondering if I had just saw some evidence of hidden land, yes "Hidden Land".

The documentary I watched had mention, at the end of the video, of them collecting evidence that North from their location in Chile, was a hidden continent, on the other side of the huge ice wall that holds in our oceans. I couldn't help but think of a Theory, I have, that I will share in a later post. This is a serious study, and has went officially public. To bad the dumbed down society around me will likely never hear of this at all.... ever, not once..

I became aware of the modern Flat Earth Movement, by finding Flat Earth Clues, on YouTube, by Mark Sargent. I watched all the clues, and continued to look into this beyond Mark, and his Clues series of videos. I looked into Erik Dubay, and others. I researched Admiral Byrd, and his Adventures, and began to understand that something was going on here. I also thought about Airplane routes, and also the Gyroscope's in the planes that keep the artificial horizon for the instrument panel. Gyroscopes in planes do not compensate for curvature, and are calibrated on the ground.

I thought about water, supposedly curving around a sphere, and it seemed illogical, even assuming "Magical" Gravity. I watched countless videos of people zooming across the ocean, and seeing ships that had vanished just seconds before, thus exposing the myth of ships vanishing over the curve of the Earth. The more I looked into the subject, the less I believed in the validity of Heliocentric Model.

Abduction by unknown entity. or Why I believe I was abducted, and returned.

                                                           Abduction by unknown entity.

When I was 17, I had yet another experience that shook my understanding of reality. To this day I remember this experience vividly, it was so unusual, and shocking that it is now burned into my memory. What follows is 100% true, and I am not exaggerating anything, simply telling what happened.

I had decided at around age 12 that I wanted my own room, and even though it was a bit scary to me, I wanted to move into the attic. The first hurdle was getting permission, and I did. Next thing I had to do was move a lot of things around upstairs. I had went up the stairs into the attic before, and found out that over the years, my Father had stored all the excess things that my Mother refused to throw away in the attic. Out of sight, out of mind I guess. The bulk of the things in the attic had been placed into one of the two rooms in the attic. The room was basically almost completely full of a variety of random items. TV stands, chairs, magazines, toys, you name it. There was basically a small mound of random things piled into the center of the room, and a small area around it was clear, allowing a walk way around the pile of junk.

I had to add some more to the junk pile, while cleaning the attic up, and moving into it. I moved into the room across the hall from the junk room. One night I had walked home from town, and made sure to talk to everyone, and tell them goodnight. I went upstairs to my room, and got ready for bed. I didn't have a night light, and I slept with all the lights out in the attic, and only the dim light from my clock radio provided some light in my room. I clearly remember going to bed in a T-shirt, briefs, and socks, it was hot in the attic, and it was summer when this happened. I went to sleep, and have no memory of any dreams. What happened next was right out of a Twilight Zone Episode!

I suddenly woke up, and was fully awake. Instantly I felt multiple pains all over my body, in dozens of different places. I was laying on my back, and at this point I started to try to feel my surroundings, I was in total confusion, and began to panic. It felt as though I was laying on top of something with a lot of pointy edges, and I decided to roll over, and try to get off whatever this was. The pain was pretty intense in some places, and I rolled off of whatever I was on, and seemed to have landed on a floor. The room was pitch black, and I couldn't see anything. After I got my head together, I decided to feel crossed the floor in the opposite direction of where I was. Like a blind man, I crawled until I found what had to be a wall. I started to feel for a light switch. After a lot of searching the wall for a switch, I finally find one.

I turned on the light and it actually took a few seconds for me to process it all. I remember standing there, and my mind was telling me it didn't recognize my surroundings, but at the same time I was having Deja-Vu. I finally came to my senses, and realized I was in the junk room, and that means, I had woke up laying on my back, on top of the junk pile. The next thing I realized was that I now had on, a long sleeve shirt, and jeans, and shoes. However the shirt was not fully buttoned up, and it was buttoned up crooked. Next crazy thing was that my jeans were on backwards, and my shoes were on the wrong feet. I took a while for me to calm down and process this.

Somehow, I had went to bed in the other room, and ended up here in the opposite room, and whatever dressed me, had no idea how to properly dress a person, and placed me on top of a pile of junk, and had to know it would be painful, and distressful, and shocking when I woke. The whole thing was beyond disturbing to me. Something could take me, and do who knows what with me, and then return me, and I have no memory of anything that happened? I immediately thought of all the UFO abduction cases I had heard about. There is a battle that rages in your mind, when faced with information you cannot refute, but points to things you do not want to think about. I had physical bruising and cuts from the junk pile, but no other obvious damage. It didn't appear to me that whatever did this to me, did anything else to me that I could see anyway.

At this time, telling people about these experiences was something that was considered taboo. Talking about these things at that time would get you labeled crazy. I didn't tell anyone about it at all. It took a long time for me to get comfortable going to bed anywhere. I eventually came to grips with it, and could sleep again. Nothing happened for a long time. I did have another experience like this, but I will leave that for another story. I have only had two abduction type experiences, and have seen hundreds of UFO's, witnessed paranormal phenomenon, and more. I have lots of 100% true stories of the incredible things that have happened in my life, here on this blog. please click older post at the bottom, and check out all my other stories. I hope to document all the things I can remember from my life that is out of the ordinary. I have not found yet anyone online, or on radio shows, or in books, and movies that has had the amount of experiences I have.

I would take a lie detector test, or any other test to prove the truth of what I am revealing in my blogs. Unless I expressly say "This is a work of fiction" in the post heading, then it is 100% true. I have no idea what is causing the "Abduction Experience" but I do know it is happening. 

Wednesday, March 28, 2018

Strange Fossil Rock Formation

Strange Fossil Rock Formation

Hello again Mr Rense,
This is Robert Weese, I am the person who discovered the rotated mountain in the new mars photos and fyi it has resulted in not so much as a peep from any credible sources, no comment seems to be the result. Of all the so called discovered shapes forms ECT, it is the most solid undeniable proof of photo tampering found. But that is not the reason for this E-mail.
I am sending you these photos to make everyone aware of something I found. The photos depict what has baffled and fascinated me since I found it. I am not the first to discover it but I am the first to bring it to the attention of the world thanks to I am the first to deduce that, as they say, something is amiss here. What follows is all the info I have on it.
Source : tourist brochure for Jennings Randolph Lake.

This is a boulder on display at Jennings Randolph Lake in Mineral County, West Virginia. There have been numerous theories and speculations as to its origin, ranging from a pictograph made by prehistoric man, an indian carving, the impression of the skin pattern of a giant lizard, or evidence of a visit to earth by an early travelers from outer space.
After examination of the phenomenon, Corps of Engineers geologists and those of other agencies have concluded that it is a natural geological formation. Although such formations are not common, similar patterned boulders were found on the east side of Tea Creek Mountain in Pocahontas County, West Virginia. Dr. Jack B. Epstein of the Geological Survey, U.S. Department of the interior, explained that the waffle rock is part of the Conemaugh geologic series that was deposited about 300 million years ago during the Pennsylvanian period. It is surmised that the waffle rock is a large loose boulder that fell from a parent outcrop somewhere higher up the slope, many decades ago, before the present trees grew.
Sounds to me like the standard answer to anything that screams NOT NORMAL! Its just a 'natural formation' just like the stuff on mars. NOT!
Glad to share this with you. Ill be looking very hard for more things as I always am.


Friday, March 16, 2018

Faith, I gotta have faith (Or cumulative experience.)

This December I will be 49 years old, since I was 12, my life has been everything but normal. I have had out of body experiences, as well as lucid dreams, close encounters with UFO's, evidence of myself being abducted, Bigfoot experiences, Paranormal experiences, and near death experiences. All on a regular basis, and to this day is still happening.

I firmly believe that there is a creator of all things, and I firmly believe that the Kings James Bible contains the written record of the truth of creation. As a teen, I spent 99% of my time at home, and in my room, and in the evenings, I would read the Kings James Bible. I started reading the Bible at an early age, at 9 years old, I attended church with my Grandmother. I would highly recommend you read my earlier post titled "Death my not be the end, it just may be the beginning" to have a greater understanding of my Grandmother, and out relationship.

I remember one night I prayed to God before going to bed, and simply ask him to reveal himself to me, so that I might know him that I believe. I went to bed that night, and consciously did not even think about it at all, as a gesture of faith, that I knew God had heard me, and would answer. I went to bed, and fell asleep. What happened next was almost exactly the same as the previous experience I had, when I spent three days with my deceased Grandmother.

I had fell asleep, and like what happens with us all, I simply did not exist, and knew nothing. Instantly I was wide awake, and completely aware that I had went to bed, and fell asleep, but I found myself awake, and fully aware, and standing in the desert. It was a real experience, and was indistinguishable from any other reality, including right now. I quickly started getting hot. I had never been to the beach, and had no idea what it is like to walk in sand, but when I started to walk, it was difficult, since my feet sank into the sand, and I had my sneakers on. This was a real place, and I could remember my entire life, and was in my right mind.

There was no difference at all between this experience, and now, it was real. I started to panic, because, I was alone, everywhere I looked was only sand, and the sun was approaching high noon. My shoes filled with sand and after a while I had to stop, and take off my shoes, they were full of sand. I continued walking in my socks, and began to sweat profusely, I had to stop once again, because the sweat was flowing so hard from my brow, that I could not see, or keep my eyes open, since they burned from the sweat. I took off my shirt and made a bandana out of it. I was able to regain my sight.

All I could see was sand, in all directions, and could feel the top of my head beginning to hurt, from the intense heat of the sun. I could see not a cloud one in the entire sky, just blue skies, and the sun. I looked in all directions, and all I could see was sand. The heat was starting to get so intense, that I had to keep moving, if I stopped, my feet would start to hurt, from the heat of the sand I was standing in. I began to panic, this was as real as reality, no comparison at all with a dream, this was really happening. I decided to walk in a straight line, since I had no idea where I was, or what direction to go. I walked for what seemed a few hours, and nothing but sand. I continued to panic, and my mouth was beginning to dry.

I continued walking, and began to feel my lips chapping, and my scalp burning, and my mouth was the driest its ever been. I was in agony, and began to weaken. I began to feel all the energy leave me, and I staggered, and fell to my knees. It wasn't long after falling to my knee's, I collapsed face first into the sand. I managed to turn my head to the right, while falling to the ground. I could feel the intense heat on the side of my face, I was paralyzed by exhaustion. I laid there in the intense heat, feeling myself literally fry to death.

I prayed in my head, the same prayer I have always prayed, when I knew I was close to death. I simply sprayed "Father I am not worthy to enter heaven, I've sinned, and deserve hell. If I open my eyes in hell, I wont complain about it at all, I will take my punishment like a man, Lord Jesus, forgive me, and save me, Amen" At this point I was 100% sure I was taking my last breath. It was at this point that I saw the sand about 10 feet away, start to rise up into a hump, as if something was pushing its way up thru the sand, from below. Light stated shooting upward from the top of the hump of sand. More light continued to shine upward thru the sand as it was falling away from something. Finally I could see what had pushed the sand up, and aside, as it crested the top, and the sand fell away. It was the Ten Commandments, carved into stone tablets, and the light that emanated from it hit me, and I was instantly in Nirvana, I was in a state of perfect peace, and comfort and love, and no matter what thought passed thru my mind, my state of feeling was perfect bliss, that could not be quenched, or silenced.

I woke up in my bed at this point, and lay there for hours without moving, just contemplating my experience. What ever you may think about what happened to me, I still to this day have to say, it was real, not a lucid dream. I have had lots of lucid dreams, and they all share something in common, in all lucid dreams, I become aware its a dream, and it all freezes, and I can make whatever I want to happen, happen. The experience I wrote about was nothing like a lucid dream, it was real.

I firmly stand on the fact that, cumulatively, my direct life experiences have shown me that there was a Creator, and that a Human Being is more powerful than we know about, and that UFO's are real, and are Angels, and Demons, Space is Heaven, and the Earth is flat. Yes, I am saying that almost everything we are taught by school and science, is 100% Grade A Bullshit. Satan rules this world, for now. Forget what you think you know, and research deep into all this, and find the truth.