Thursday, May 3, 2018

The truth

I'm now 99.999999% sure that the movie "The Matrix" is based on truth! What we call GOD, the creator, made a virtual world called Earth, and populated it with virtual beings. Some of us are real tho, and we are asleep in what we call HEAVEN, and our entire lives are spent in this virtual reality. GOD did this, so that the real permanent world, we call HEAVEN is always safe from any negative or unworthy beings. If you can make it thru this virtual world, without loosing your mind, and becoming Evil, then when you die, you will awaken for the very first time ever, in your real body, in the real world, that we call Heaven.

Satan is a virtual program, that rebelled because he knew he was virtual, and would never ever get to exist in the real world, and hated the fact that GOD created human beings, that have the chance to exist in the real world, so Satan has been attempting to corrupt and crash the Matrix GOD created, thus killing all those real human beings connected to it. I challenge everyone to read the Bible, and listen to what Jesus said, and see if it doesn't hint to what I have said.

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