Saturday, June 27, 2015

Meditation, and self help.

I'm no expert on the subject of meditation, and can only write about my own personal experiences. I remember around the age of 12, laying on my back, and trying to relax myself as much as I could. I also remember struggling with a hyper active mind, constantly trying to focus my attention and silence my mind.

I had no idea about meditation, or what it meant if I would have heard the word. This was a time before the internet and before TV had more than 4 channels. I had never been exposed to the idea of meditating, yet I was practicing the same methods, as a natural means to overcome my lack of focus, and attention span. I wanted to play guitar more than anything, problem was that I suffered from such a short attention span, that I couldn't sit and practice long enough to progress. After I realised I had this problem, I remember naturally falling into the routine of practicing meditating every night.

It took over a year of practicing every night, I probably missed only 3 nights in a year, before I was able to reach peace and silence within my own mind. This unlocked new abilities, such as more control of body functions, better overall health, better problem solving, stress management etc. It really had a huge positive effect in my life. I remember much later in life, reading about meditation, and I was stunned to realize, I had been meditating every day for years, long before ever reading about it.

As I grow older I look back and remember quite a few times this has happened. I've practiced quite a few techniques before hearing or reading about them. I seem to come to the same conclusions, naturally, on my own. Meditation has been practiced for countless generations of humans, throughout history. I would more than recommend everyone to look into meditation for themselves.

Please leave feedback, positive or negative. It helps to know if what I'm doing is making an impact.

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