Friday, November 1, 2013

Synchronicities. And just how amazing the music of the Police is.

Synchronicity: "Sing-Crow-Niss-A Tea"

I began seeing 11:11 over again when I was 16 and it's still happening. And I have established that it indicates at least in my case that I am doing what I should be doing. Every time I notice that I am not having any synchronicities, I also notice that my life plunges into chaos and disharmony.

As a result of paying close attention to what others call coincidence, I can always tell when I need to make adjustments in my life. As a result of this my life has not become crisis and confrontation free, nor totally free of negative influences. But it has changed how I view the bad times. I see them as guides, steering me back on course.

For me the bad times are now a perfect opportunity to grow and expand and fulfill my life even more. I do something very rare and unique now. I practice the age old art of Wisdom. If I can't fix it, it's doing me no good to focus on it. But when synchronicities are occurring it means your on the right path.

When you find your path, it becomes easier to live, more fulfilling, and more filled with the extraordinary. It's as simple as paying attention to your surroundings. If you feel negative energies, and notice that coincidences have stopped, you need to make a change. 

I use coincidence and synchronicity interchangeably, mostly because more of us identify with coincidence rather than synchronicity. However, after you experience the guiding nature of synchronicities, you understand that there are only synchronicities.

I can tell you with 100% certainty that my life has suffered the longer I wasn't pursuing my true path. Whenever all synchronicities have stopped in my life, it has always marked the beginning of a rapid decline in my life.

The longer I'm not having synchronicities in my life, the more it crumbles into chaos. But as soon as I start to make changes, and look for those unexplainable synchronicities to happen, and let that guide me, the better it gets.

As I'm writing this I'm on a journey back to my first original best path, chasing synchronicities all the way home. Seems yet once again the Universe is calling me to change course, and set sail again, on the journey to me.


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