Tuesday, October 29, 2013

The day Bigfoot walked through my yard

I remember being around 16. It was winter and I had woke up and decided to go out and have some fun in the snow. After eating and getting lots of clothes on, I left the house through the back door and the whole world seemed covered in snow and ice. The country is beautiful in winter, and cold and deadly if you get lost in the woods. I remember walking around the back of the house, and when I got to the edge of the house I immediately noticed footprints in the Yard.

I remember stopping and just standing there for moments, I think my brain locked up for a bit trying to understand what I was looking at. There were tracks of what looked like human footprints in the snow, only these were huge, and spaced too far apart to even make sense.

I stood there just looking and analyzing what I saw. The direction of the tracks indicated that they had originated from behind me, from the tree line at the top of the hill behind our house. Our house was built on property that had been leveled back to the base of a hill, and then the hill had been dug, and the house had been built so that it was partially underground. By the time you got to the back of the house you had walked up an incline and at the rear of the house the basement was underground.

My DAD had told my Mother and I that in the event of an emergency we were to go to the back of the basement into the far left corner and huddle together there and wait it out, we never had to do that.

The prints originated from the tree line, and continued down the hill,a crossed our level yard and all the way to the small creek that ran in fron of our house. My father had built a small cement bridge with a Colvert to get access to our yard with vehicles due to the creek being there. I ran back inside and my father was at the kitchen table, coffee in hand and smoking a non filter Pall Mall cigarette, seemed everyone at that time drank coffee all day long, and smoked cigarettes.

My Father said "that was fast, too cold for you" and I replied "Bigfoot DAD, there are Bigfoot tracks in our yard, you gotta come out so I can show you, I'm not kidding DAD it's Bigfoot!" "Whoa!" He said "Let me finish my coffee and get dressed, you need to calm down, your gonna wake everyone in the house up" Back then people were far more decent than now, and actually took others into consideration, respect was #1 with almost everyone, and if you behaved like today's so called normal, you were considered a rude immature person, who had a lot of growing up to do. 

I went back outside and walked over to the nearest footprint, even at this age I was no idiot, and very observant, my Father had taught me to never make assumptions, or use emotions to make decisions, but rather to just try to see things without coloring them with opinion, or guessing. I ask myself is this a hoax? I already knew it wasn't, there simply was no indication this was anything but a genuine event. There were no other tracks at all anywhere except the ones I had made and the ones Bigfoot had made. 

The community I lived in was poor and relatively uneducated, and no one had a crane or helicopter, so that alone ruled out foul play. Also when I got onto the ground and looked closer, there was all the indications of a genuine footprint, the toes had made it all the way down the 7 inches of snow, and made indentions in the ground, and the ground showed where it had been squeezed up between the toes. There was also the correct arch, and the next print has variations that did not make it a carbon copy of the last.

Dad made it outside and when he made it to my side, I watched his face intently. He had that same look I've seen before, the look of my DAD blocking out the outside world, and putting all his efforts into the task at hand. My Father only had a 4th grade education, and was never impressed with the educational system, he always called it Federally sanctioned brainwashing, he was however one of the most skilled and wise men I have yet to know, and I could fill a courtroom with people who would say the same.

We both looked at each footprint and my DAD made a few comments while in deep thought. I remember him saying "This is no hoax, not a hoax at all, there are no other tracks around, and the depth of wich these tracks are would make whatever this was heavier than the largest Bears I've seen around here" my father tried to take a step as far as the tracks were apart, and had to take two large steps and still was not equal to the distance these were apart. He also noted that each track was different from the next, and sunk into the ground at different depths.

We both followed the tracks until they reached the edge of the creek, it was at that point that the tracks stopped. My father who had hunted and tracked for almost his whole life, jumped down into the creek and walked around looking for signs. I remember him saying that it must have walked in the the water to wherever it went because he could find no tracks in the creek. He climbed back up into our yard, and we both walked back through the yard and up the hill following the tracks.

We eventually reached the treeline at the back of our house, and we both just stood there looking up and into the forest. I said "Dad, the tracks end right before the trees start, and I don't see any prints in the snow going up the mountain, where did it go from here?" He was silent, and shook his head with a very concerned look on his face. He examined the closest tree to the prints, and kept looking around. Once again I said "Dad, the tracks don't go any further than the treeline, how did this thing come down the mountain and leave no tracks in the snow under the trees? He replied "this makes no sense at all, none, it's like it just appeared here, walked down our hill, through our yard and vanished" 

We spent more time looking around and shaking our heads. We eventually went inside and sat at the kitchen table talking about it. I told everyone I knew about it, but no one believed me. The neighbors even saw them, but I'm sure they thought it was fake, or they just didn't know what to think about it.
I tried to find out all I could from the library about Bigfoot, and learned a lot about the history of the legend as a result, I continue to research and investigate this phenomenon to this day, and have talked with other people over the years that have seen tracks, and or witnessed the creature in person.

I am trying to get a good friend to sit down and tell me about his recent experience he had with his brother, he has told me that a Bigfoot stopped traffic as it walked across the road within 3 feet of the vehicle they were in. He is very reluctant to talk to me about it, or go public, because he doesn't want the ridicule.

Bigfoot is real, I have no answers to explain it, but I continue to investigate the creature, in hopes of seeing one in person myself and maybe getting a peice of evidence. I know I'm not wasting my time doing so, and feel that a chance to get some proof is just a matter of time, someone will get proof one day, and I hope to be here when they do, or perhaps be the one who does. 

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